The human being does not know the real meaning of a 'Ism
(Noun) unless by actually knowing the characteristics of the
named-object (Musamma). Don't you see if we learn the names of
things in Indie or Roman (without actually knowing the object or
the language that describes it) we only know some partitioned
sounds (at best). Therefore this establishes the fact that in
order to know an 'Ism (Noun) we need to be cognizant of the
named-object's characteristics. As is intended in the verse:
2:31. And (
taught Adam the Names ('Asma) of all things
وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها
Meaning Allah taught the nature/knowledge of all things to
Adam, (Dara: and he had a way to sound or write in partitioned
elements e.g. phones or letters, organized into names, each name
as a ceiling encompassing objects which shared the same
On the same vein:
87:1. Glorify the Name ('Ism) of your Lord, The Most-High
سبح اسم ربك الأعلى
'Ism as an elevated status, all underneath share
the meaning of Rabb i.e. sustained by the Rabb the administrator
nurturer of the multiverse.